Eve Online TV Series and Comic?!

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Kirjoittaja: John Stephens
Luomispäivä: 28 Tammikuu 2021
Päivityspäivä: 6 Tammikuu 2025
Eve Online TV Series and Comic?! - Pelit
Eve Online TV Series and Comic?! - Pelit

CCP Games has announced that it will be developing a television show based on Eve Online in partnership with director Baltasar Kormakur (Contraband, The Deep). Users of the MMO can submit their own stories that will be the basis of the TV show and a comic book from Dark Horse.

Eve Online is a video game by CCP Games. It is a player-driven, persistent-world MMORPG set in a science fiction space setting. Characters pilot customizable ships through a galaxy of over 7,500 star systems. Most star systems are connected to one or more other star systems by means of stargates. The star systems can contain moons, planets, stations, wormholes, asteroid belts and complexes.

Eve Online was released in North America and Europe in May 2003. It was published from May to December 2003 by Simon & Schuster Interactive, after which CCP purchased the rights and began to self-publish via a digital distribution scheme. On January 22, 2008, it was announced that Eve Online would be distributed via Steam. On March 10, 2009, the game was again made available in boxed form in stores, released by Atari. The current version of Eve Online is Retribution, released December 4, 2012. In February 2013, EVE Online reached over 500,000 subscribers.

' the='' inhabitants='' of='' the='' notorious='' and='' beloved='' eve='' universe='' have='' ten='' years'='' worth='' of='' dramatic='' stories='' to='' tell,'='' said='' ccp='' chief='' executive='' officer='' hilmar='' veigar='' petursson.='' 'our='' close='' collaboration='' with='' baltasar='' and='' his='' creative='' team='' gives='' me='' confidence='' that='' we='' will='' capture='' eve's='' essence,='' inspiring='' millions='' of='' tv='' viewers='' with='' visions='' of='' humanity's=''>

"Aiomme ottaa kaiken, mitä meidän täytyy saada, jotta voisimme tallentaa Eve Universen hämmästyttävän visuaalisen kuvan ja rikkaan historian yhdellä äänenvoimakkuudella", sanoi Dark Horse toimittaja Dave Marshall. "Kun täytämme sen Eve Online: n tähtitilan torjumisesta materiaalilla" Paikalla olevat "saappaat Dust 514: n planeettakonflikteissa, Eve: Lähde muotoilee olevan yksi upeimmista teoksista, joita olemme koskaan julkaisseet."

Eve Online-pelaajia kehotetaan lähettämään omat tarinansa osoitteessa http://TrueStories.EveOnline.com.

Kokeile Eve Online -ohjelmaa osoitteesta http://www.eveonline.com/