There is already a trolling level on Super Mario Maker

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Kirjoittaja: Christy White
Luomispäivä: 6 Saattaa 2021
Päivityspäivä: 14 Joulukuu 2024
Playing A Troll Level For The First Time in Super Mario Maker 2
Video: Playing A Troll Level For The First Time in Super Mario Maker 2

As soon as we heard about Super Mario Maker some of us knew that trolling levels would make their way into the game for other players to rage over. Well, a level surfaced that trolls you in a way that everyone has experienced way too much.

Rick Rolling.

The level is titled ' all='' the='' costumes='' unlocked'='' but='' once='' you='' actually='' play='' it='' you='' find='' yourself='' on='' a='' converter='' belt='' and='' objects='' fall='' onto='' note='' blocks='' off-screen='' to='' play='' the='' music.='' there='' is='' a='' roof='' of='' blocks='' on='' top='' of='' you='' so='' you='' can't='' jump='' and='' swarms='' of='' enemies='' try='' to='' attack='' you='' but='' fail='' to='' do='' so='' adding='' more='' trolling='' to='' this='' level='' than='' just='' the=''>

Voit kertoa vain kuulemalla musiikkia, jonka joku vietti tonniin trolling-tasolla.

Tällä tasolla tuntuu olevan paljon sekoitettuja kommentteja ihmisiltä, ​​jotka vihaavat sitä ihmisille, jotka rakastavat tasoa ja haluavat enemmän.

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